Admission Process and Criteria

Admission Process​

Please complete the Admission Enquiry Form online or at the school office. This form will help us answer your enquiry and ensure that you get relevant information when you visit our school.

Our Admissions Secretary will be pleased to arrange a visit for you to see our school. She can also provide further information or answer your questions but will again need the information from the Admissions Enquiry Form to ensure that your enquiry gets the best possible service from us.

Admission Criteria

There are no fixed criteria for admission to our school; each child is treated individually. We do our best to place the newcomers into classes in which we believe they will thrive the most.

Placement decisions are based on these three factors:

  1. how well the child does on the English and Math tests,
  2. the age of the child, and
  3. a determination that the child and parent can complement the class and learning environment in the school.

A place will only be offered if we believe we are the right fit for your child and they can benefit from our rigorous curriculum.

Children Performing Below-Standard

Pupils with inadequate academic foundations will be enrolled in our Scholastic Clinic Programme. The Scholastic Clinic is a rigorous programme that provides additional tuition for pupils who perform below the standard and need help to build up their academic foundation. This is compulsory when parents do not want their children to be repeated or drop back one step. This comes at an additional charge.